Daily Glow Blog
3 things that happened when I gave up wheat
Gluten-free is everywhere these days, and has been credited with curing almost any ailment you can find – ranging from…
Winter Skin Prep: 4 tips to glow your way through the festive season
Halloween (and the jazz weekend) are behind us, and Christmas FM is nearly live, and it is officially totally acceptable to start…
Highlighters, the key to glowing skin – 3 of the best and how to use them
Thanks to Kim K and the community of Instagram make up artists, contouring has made a serious name for itself….
Skin Clearing Series: part 4 – medications
Medications that target acne are divided into two camps – topical medications that you apply to your skin, and medications…
Skin Clearing Series: Part 3 – Lifestyle adjustments
There are factors other than diet and skincare that impact your skin health – you may have figured my obsession…
Skin Clearing Series: Part 2 – diet
Diet and it’s affect on skin is a controversial one. Many dermatologists insist diet has no effect on acne, and…
Skin Clearing Series: Part 1 – skincare routine
Thank you so much for all the messages, insta-tags and snaps I’ve received so far about thedailyglow.ie, I have truly…
The best anti-ageing cream in the world
Yes, I have found it and it has been confirmed as the best anti-ageing cream that exists by any expert,…
Banish your hangover
Anyone else out there sorrier than usual that it’s Monday? If you’re still feeling worse for the wear after…
The expert’s guide to cleansing your face
Washing your face…simple and straightforward, right? Yes, but you may be doing more damage than you realise – I know…
How to deal with hyperpigmentation
So the summer is most definitely over (collective sigh), the rain has appeared and everyone is back at work/school/college. That…
3 ways you’re giving yourself wrinkles
Wrinkles…they will catch up with all of us one day, but I’d prefer if that day was further into the…