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Skin Clearing Series: Part 1 – skincare routine

Thank you so much for all the messages, insta-tags and snaps I’ve received so far about thedailyglow.ie, I have truly…

The best anti-ageing cream in the world

Yes, I have found it and it has been confirmed as the best anti-ageing cream that exists by any expert,…

The expert’s guide to cleansing your face

Washing your face…simple and straightforward, right?  Yes, but you may be doing more damage than you realise – I know…

How to deal with hyperpigmentation

So the summer is most definitely over (collective sigh), the rain has appeared and everyone is back at work/school/college.  That…

3 ways you’re giving yourself wrinkles

Wrinkles…they will catch up with all of us one day, but I’d prefer if that day was further into the…

Why you should use a toner – and the best one for your skin type

Cleanse, tone and moisturise…the first and last are pretty self-explanatory, but what’s the deal with toner I hear you ask?  If…

Clear skin: the 3 supplements you should be taking for acne

The essentials for spot-free skin. It has been years since I update this post, and it has always been one…

Emergency Breakout Control

Murphy’s Law states, among other things, that just when you need it least (before a big job interview, important date…

What to drink for better skin – 4 key changes to make for your prettiest skin ever

We have all heard the mantra “hydrate” when it comes to glowing skin. However that is usually as far as…

Beautiful Skin Basics

Clear skin, young skin, tanned skin, porcelain skin; what is it that makes for beautiful skin? The answer differs vastly…