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I’ve been taking a chlorophyll supplement for about 8 years now, and it is one that I recommend to every acne patient that walks into my clinic. In contrast to most supplements on the market, it comes in a liquid form, and tastes nice…I promise.


I originally started taking chlorophyll after reading The Healthy Skin Diet and found I could really see and feel a difference. I’ve written previously about supplements for acne and chlorophyll is excellent for both preventing breakouts and helping to clear them up.

Chlorophyll is the green pigment found in plants, and the result of photosynthesis (Jr Cert Science class anyone?). It is high in magnesium, which is something that many people may be deficient in, due to 1) reduced levels in our soil, and 2)the fact that it can be more difficult to absorb than other vitamins and minerals (caffeine is a big offender in this case).

Magnesium deficiency has been linked to trouble sleeping, anxiety, muscle cramps and migraines, among other issues. I find adding liquid chlorophyll to my water bottle daily is an easy way to increase my intake of magnesium, without having to work very hard at it. It also motivates me to drink more water, something most of us struggle with.

Chlorophyll is also a simple way to boost you green intake, spinach smoothies notwithstanding (despite my best efforts to have a green smoothie everyday, that requires a hell of a lot more prep than chlorophyll!).

A small amount of liquid chlorophyll can also aid bowel movements, and help keep things ticking along smoothly. However, too much can cause some problems so don’t go overboard!

For me, the best benefit is clear skin, but body odour, bad breath and hangovers are also something reported to be aided by chlorophyll. I’ve found I can recover from a festival, holiday or the Christmas period much more quickly when I take it daily – and life returns to normal much more easily.

So how to get started?

  • Look for a supplement that is preservative free (especially if you suffer from eczema)
  • Low strength supplements are better (even if you’re hardcore about everything, do not go hardcore with this, trust me) they taste better, and are less likely to stain you teeth
  • Start with one teaspoon in a glass of water first thing in the morning, the water should be a pale green colour and have a faint taste, if any
  • You can add a tablespoon to a large water bottle after a week, and sip it through out the day
  • Gradually up your intake to about 2 tablespoons a day (if you’re not gradual in your approach, you could easily end up with what Dave Asprey calls “disaster pants”, similar to too much MCT oil)


I would recommend ringing around or searching online, as this specific one can be difficult to track down. My favourite brand is Nature’s Sunshine, which can be found in Health Matters on Grafton St. It is low strength, and has a really nice spearmint taste, so it really is better than it looks!